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Strange Deer Press is a midwestern comic and zine collective. Strange Deer is crossing through your backyard. Strange Deer is eating your foliage. Strange Deer is unsympathetic megafauna.

Follow us on Instagram or Twitter or Bluesky @StrangeDeer

Find some of our work at this Itch.io collection.

Our 2024 Events:
  • Free Comic Book Day at Aw Yeah! Comics Skokie - May 5th
  • Autoptic Fest (Minneapolis) - August 17th
  • CAKE (Chicago Alternative Comics Expo) - August 24th and 25th
  • MILK (Milwaukee Indie Local Comics Fest) - October 6th

The strange deer.

Here's where you can find our work.
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Aaron Azar is an Ohio-based illustrator, cartoonist, and zinester. Together with his three cats, he spends an absurd amount of time listening to podcasts and livestreams. In his free time Aaron walks at local parks, carves linoleum stamps, and experiments with making cozy little crafts. He loves writing queer themes, story arcs about trauma, fantasy settings, and juicy romance.
FIND HIM: Portfolio | Itch.io | Twitter | Cohost

Miles A.M. Collins-Sibley (he/him, they/them) is Black, queer, trans, and sick. He writes poetry to talk to ghosts and to fall in love. Currently, he’s working in abortion care and is working towards becoming a midwife. Miles received his MFA in Poetry from UMass-Amherst’s program for Poets and Writers. You can find his weird queer poems in "We Want it All: An Anthology of Trans Radical Poetics" from Nightboat Books, “Haunted: Anthology” from Porkbelly Press, Black Warrior Review, and Tinderbox Poetry Journal, among others.
FIND HIM: Twitter | Instagram

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Jaime Dear grew up in Ohio and floated out to Chicago. Their work includes the softball romance comic Pivot and the synesthesia autobio comic The Shape of All Time. You can also find their work in the anthologies Comrade Himbo (POMEpress) and When I Was Me (Quindrie Press). Their poetry can be found in Prismatica Magazine and Fifth Wheel Press as well as in many little zines. Their dream job is either 'wedding dance floor hype man' or 'humble ferry operator'.
FIND THEM: Website | Itch.io | Twitter | Instagram

Izzy Hall is a human being (much to their chagrin) from the Chicago suburbs. They love comics, creatures and chemistry, and go by “Strontium” on the web. Izzy is the creator of the webcomic Heroes of Thantopolis, and has their work printed in Wayward Kindred (ToComics). When not working on comics and zines, they’re probably imagining future comics and zines in their head. Or watching Youtube.
FIND THEM: Webcomic | Portfolio | Tumblr

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Abigail Lee is a comic and story artist and a self-proclaimed scaredy-cat. She has recently taken a liking to creating horror and uses her experiences of being Korean American, the things that scare her, and her itchy skin as inspiration. Abigail likes to experiment with different colors and textures with each minicomic she makes.
FIND HER: Comics | Instagram | Twitter

Raised in Ohio, spent four years of undergrad in western Illinois, and now raging against bad snow removal in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, Ai Miller is a queer and trans library worker during the day, a PhD candidate in History when it is useful to wield such things, and an abolitionist dreamer of new worlds 24/7. Ai is interested in the democratization of knowledge and knowledge production, and writes and thinks about abolition, labor unions, intellectually rigorous forms of feminism, harm reduction, and new ways of organizing ourselves. When not reading a vast array of books or trying to wiggle hir way into projects with others, zie can be found watching the same 8 movies over and over as background noise and tweeting instead of writing.
FIND HIR: Itch.io | Twitter | Instagram

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Lee Onysko is a nonbinary comic and storyboard artist based in Ohio. Self proclaimed and friend endorsed robot lover, cat person, and space nerd, they love a good sci-fi/fantasy story but can always be tempted by the mundane and slice-of-life. When not drawing they can be found crocheting, working on custom dolls, or dreaming about building their own hydroponics system. While they work digitally for the most part, they are starting to branch out into working traditionally more with inks and colored pencils.
FIND THEM: Portfolio | Itch.io | Twitter | Instagram| Youtube| Tumblr

Simone Parker is a collage artist and poet. She is Jewish, bisexual, and unapologetically midwestern. She is the author of several zines, including “Missing E”, a work of cut-up poetry which reflects on the evolution of the unique vernacular, activism, and fandom found on tumblr. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Poetica Magazine and the winnow. She has been a featured poet at the Poetry Foundation’s The Open Door reading series in Chicago. She lives in Minneapolis with her husband, her fluffy black cat, and at least 82 house plants.
FIND HER: Instagram

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